What are the end product of cassava?

The main usage of cassava is food, animal feed, and industry processing and develop. [Read also: T he Cassava Processing Industry in Nigeria: Traditional Techniques, Technological Developments and New Opportunity ] Cassava roots is one of the main raw material in the world for industrial starch production. Now, world harvested cassava, 65% used for food. As a raw material for the production of feed, rough cassava flour and leaves are a high-energy feed ingredient. In the fermentation industry, cassava starch or dried cassava chips can be used to make alcohol, citric acid, glutamic acid, lysine, cassava protein, glucose, fructose, etc. These products are widely used in food, beverage, medicine, textile (dyed cloth), paper making, etc. So as the question what are the end product of cassava, there don't have definite answer. Read also: What can cassava be processed into? What are the end product of cassava? What are the end product of cassava? You can see the main...