
Showing posts from May, 2024

What is the price of an automatic cassava attieke production line?

 Cassava attieke hot sell in Ivory Coast, the processing steps part is similar to flour processing. It is a local daily staple food that replaces wheat flour. Henan Jinrui Food Engineer Ltd is one of the professional cassava machine manufacturers, cassava attieke production line can provide from washing machines to dewatering machines, smallest scale of about 4 tons of raw cassava tubers per day. The lowest price we can offer starts at $10,000. Of course, since we provide customized services, the price is uncertain. If you are interested in setting up a cassava attieke production line, you can tell us your capacity plan, then our project manager will recommend it for you. The production process of the attieke production line Below I will introduce to you the production process of the attieke production line. Cassava attieke processing includes washing, peeling, grating, dewatering, granulation, and steaming. Fresh cassava after harvest from farm washing by paddle washing ...

hat key points you need yo know about cassava flour processing?

根据研究,木薯粉是最健康的面粉之一 在许多地区替代小麦粉。 另外,木薯粉 价格比小麦粉低,越来越多的人想拥有自己的面粉 自有木薯粉加工业务。 那么你需要哪些要点哟 了解木薯粉加工吗? 1.如何加工木薯粉? 木薯粉加工 一般来说,木薯粉的生产方法有两种,一种是干法 加工方法,将木薯切成片,干燥后 最后将其磨碎; 另一种是湿法加工技术,您可以 先磨木薯,最后磨干木薯奶。 但那些人 使用木薯粉制作面包或烘焙食品愿意采用 湿法以获得高质量的木薯粉。 2.木薯粉加工机械有哪些? 河南木薯粉加工设备 东盈控股-河南 金瑞采用湿法加工技术生产木薯粉。 这 木薯粉加工机可分为三个部分: 清洗工段、加工工段和干燥工段。 木薯粉加工机 主要设备: 清洗工段: 进料斗、皮带输送机、干筛、桨叶清洗机、去皮机。 加工部分: 切割机、锉刀、除砂机、压滤机。 干燥工段: 闪蒸干燥机、筛分机、包装机。 如果您想了解更多有关木薯粉生产工艺的信息,请随时与河南金瑞联系。 3.木薯粉加工机的价格是多少? 木薯粉加工工艺 如果您想开展 木薯粉加工业务 , 您一定想知道木薯面粉机的价格。 共同点是, 您想要的容量和机器配置等都会影响最终的结果 机器价格。 如果您只想先建造最小的,价格 从去皮到过筛会便宜50000美元左右,更便宜 适合新入门者。 如果你想让它更大更多 自动,价格会根据您的预算而有所不同。 如果你 想了解更多木薯粉行价格详情,请联系 与河南金瑞合作,项目经理将为您及时、周到的服务 体贴地。 河南金瑞食品公司在多个国家做了很多项目, 他们在国外也有安装团队,所以他们有专业的 团队和无忧的售后服务。 如果您想设置您的 木薯粉加工业务,您可以给他们留言 告诉您的联系电话,他们可以为您提供服务 满意。  Tel/Whatsapp: +86-13526615783 Website: 电子邮件: 地址: 19B Kudir...

What points should we pay attention during garri processing?

食品的加里加工过程也变得更加规范 安全和公共卫生原因。 那么,我们应该支付哪些积分 garri加工过程中要注意什么? 这不仅仅是人们关心的问题 那些拥有加里加工厂的人,以及那些想要 投资加里加工。 这篇文章将解释以下几点 您应该注意加里加工的每一步。 木薯加工中使用的机器包括木薯清洗机、削皮机、 刨丝器、液压机、加里油炸机和包装机。 [另请参阅: 2~8吨/小时的成套现代化加里加工机 ] 您可以从下面的图片中了解加里加工的工作过程。 加里加工机 接下来请检查一下garri加工过程中需要注意的一些事项: 1、木薯清洗机: 通过干筛机、桨叶清洗机等木薯清洗机去除泥沙等杂质。 注:木薯清洗机的组合可以提高效率 对木薯进行大量清洗,以生产出高品质的木薯。 但是你 应定期检查水源,确保不脏 或被污染。 2.木薯削皮器: 将木薯根削皮,去掉 外层棕色外皮和部分内层厚奶油层,同时避免 对原材料造成过度损坏。 注意:如果想彻底去掉里面厚厚的奶油层, 您需要使用人力或将木薯根浸泡在水中,然后 然后用手将它们取出。 3.木薯刨丝器: 加里需要发酵 加工时,木薯被破碎以利于发酵。 木薯 根或切片进入刨丝器,然后磨碎成木薯 发动机运转时,旋转钉辊和旋转滚筒之间的浆料 以电为动力运行。 注:为了满足食品消耗标准,磨碎滚筒和 所有食品接触区域均应由不锈钢制成。 木薯加里加工机 4. 液压机: 将发酵后装满garri的袋子直接装入液压机上以除去多余的水分。 注:为保证成品加里的质量,所有部件 与物料接触的设备均采用不锈钢材质 钢。 5.木薯加里油炸机: 使用全自动加里油炸机 采用不锈钢材料制成,配有电力、柴油、 天然气、柴火或木炭作为烤加里的热源 机械地。 加棕榈油烘烤,即可得到黄色的加里。 注意:需要选择garri油炸机的加热方式 根据您当地的实际情况。 一般来说,使用木柴 具有成本效益,但考虑到新出现的环境问题, 电、天然气和柴油加热变得越来越多 常见的。 6. Garri 包装机: 将所需数量包装成编织物 带塑料衬里的聚乙烯袋,密封...

The methods of potato starch extraction

For a long time, potato starch, as a high consumable in the market, has attracted the attention of many people who want to produce it. There are two production methods of potato starch: traditional semi-automatic processing method and modern fully automatic processing method. This article will briefly introduce the advantages and disadvantages of these two extraction methods. Potato starch The first is the traditional method, semi-automatic processing, that is, the combination of hand and simple machine. The processing steps are washing-grinding-slurry separation-sand removal-secondary filter-precipitation stirring plus acid slurry-precipitation-dewatering-drying. It should be noted that in the starch extraction part, we use a sedimentation tank and add chemicals to obtain pure starch. This saves machine costs. However, the quality of the final product is not good enough, which affects the taste. Produce potato starch with the combination of hand and simple machin...

How to prepare for building a sweet potato starch processing plant in 2024?

Building a complete sweet potato starch processing plant includes three main parts machine, factory, and finance. Before starting such a project, here are some preparations that need to be finished first. You need to do a Market analysis, Feasibility analysis, Building Permission, and Factory building. Complete sweet potato starch processing plant 1. Market analysis The market analysis includes the final sweet potato starch price, raw sweet potato tubers price, and final buyers, etc. Whether you want to provide starch for food processing or wholesalers, you need to learn the market first to research and analyze profit. Then you can know whether to invest in this project. 2. Feasibility analysis After learning market, there is a feasibility analysis for this project. Prepare project budget and labor quantity, learning local electricity and water prices to finish the total cost plan. After all most clients want to earn high profit from this business. In recent years, sweet ...

Analysis of Establishing a Cassava Flour Processing Factory in Nigeria

Cassava, a staple food for millions of Nigerians, holds immense potential for value addition through processing into various products, including cassava flour. This article aims to delve into the feasibility of establishing a cassava flour processing factory in Nigeria, exploring the market demand, raw material availability, processing technology, and regulatory environment. Cassava flour factory Market Demand: Establishing a cassava flour processing factory in Nigeria has the potential for significant profit due to the high market demand. The demand for cassava flour in Nigeria has been steadily increasing due to its versatile applications in the food industry. Cassava flour serves as a substitute for wheat flour in baking, making it a popular choice among consumers seeking gluten-free alternatives. Furthermore, cassava flour is utilized in the production of snacks, pastries, and traditional dishes, catering to both domestic and international markets. With the growing awa...