Cassava starch production line

Cassava starch production line

We all known that cassava roots rich with starch, the starch content in the cassava roots is about 25 % ~ 30 % . The cassava always used to be processed to the starch . Then we can use the cassava starch to process to other products , such many kinds food for people  ; starch sugars ; ethanol ; midified starch and so on .

Our company professional manufacture the complete set  cassava starch production line .  including cassava starch production line, cassava starch production line, sweet potato starch production line.
Cassava starch dewatering machine
The cassava starch production line making process is : washing and peeling ;  grinding ;  slurry-residue separation ; de-sanding ; starch slurry refining ; de-watering ; drying to get the final cassava starch .

The machine of cassava starch production line include : the belt conveyor , washing machine , grinder machine , separating seive , de-sander , hydrocyclone group , vacuum dehydration machine ; starch dryer machine

More information of cassava starch production line, pls contact me
 TEL: 008637156771822
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