How is the market potential about cassava chips processing?

How is the market potential about cassava chips processing?

Cassava could be processed to variety kinds of products including cassava chips. Cassava chips are be imported with large quantity to deep process to cassava flour by many factories of all over the world. Cassava chips processing owns bright market potential.
cassava chips processing machine
Cassava chips processing machine
Cassava chips processing as following:

a. Cassava peeling:  Production of cassava chips starts with the peeling of the cassava.
b. Cassava washing: The peeled tubers are thoroughly washed to remove all dirt and sand that may adhere to them.
c. Cassava chipping: The washed tubers are carted to the chipping machines where they are chipped into small chips of about 1-2 centimetre thickness and 6-7 cm long. The sizes at times depend on the prescription of the order.
d. Cassava chips drying: The wet chips are taken to the Rotary Dryer where they are dried to 12-14% moisture content.
cassava chips processing machine
Cassava chips machine
e. Packing: they are then weighed and bagged in 50kg polypropylene bags and stored.
So if you want to get more information of cassava chips processing ,welcome to contact us,
Contacter: Ms Elina
Tel: 008613526615783


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