How to make manioc starch ?

Manioc starch (also called cassava starch)  is powdery, flour-like ingredient comes from the cassava (also known as cassava, yucca or mandioca). Manioc starch is crucial ingredients to making the bread.
Cassava starch processing machine

How to make manioc starch from cassava ?

The high quality manioc starch making process is mainly include seven  production process as below :
1.  Cassava cleaning and washing process
2 . Cassava wet milling process
3.  Manioc starch extraction process
4.  De-sanding process
5.  Concentration and refining process
6.  De-watering process
7.  Manioc starch drying and sieving process

Our company can supply the complete manioc starch making machine to produce the manioc starch auotmaticly . If you want to produce manioc starch , please contact with us freely .
Tel:  008613526615783


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