How to process cassava into flour?

How to process cassava into flour?
Our company has for years researched on developing processed technology to mechanize and produce high quality cassava flour.

How to process cassava into flour ? The cassava flour production steps as below :
Step 1: Harvest matured cassava from the farm and load it to the processing shed immediately.
Step 2:  Peel the cassava and wash it in clean water.
Step 3:  Grind the cassava with grating machine.
Cassava flour making machine
Step 4:  Press the grated cassava with  hydraulic jack. The pressing is very technical and very important.
Step 5: Dry  to moisture level of below 14% The drier the product the longer the storage life or the shelf life.
Step 6:  Bag into sacks of 50kg and send to the point of sales.

Above describe is a brief introduction of process cassava into flour, if you want to get more detail information , pls contact me directly.
Tel: 008613526615783


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