Process of making garri

The final product of garri making machine
The final product of garri making machine
Process of making garri
Garri (also known as garry, gali, manioc, mandioca, yuca, yucca root, cassava or tapioca) is a popular West African food made from cassava tubers.

Process of making garri :
1. To make garri, cassava tubers are washed,peeled and grated or crushed to produce a mash.

2. The mash is placed in a porous bag and weights are placed on the bag for one to two days or more to press excess water and starch out.

3. It is then sieved (or sifted) and fried in an extra large clay frying pot with or without palm oil.

4. The resulting dry granular garri can be stored for long periods. It may be pounded or ground to make a fine flour.

garri processing machine
Garri fryer
Garri can be eaten without further cooking, as a snack, by placing it in a bowl and adding cold water; ijebu-garri is made to have finer grains, and a pleasantly sour taste, making it very suitable for consumption in this way.

Much more information of making garri,welcome to contact me, our engineers will give you a feasibility program of making garri according to your deamand.
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