Cassava chips processing machines

Cassava chips processing machines

Cassava takes about 10 months to mature. This cassava root is perishable, and should be used soon after it is harvested.
Cassava chips could also be processed in to cassava flour used for animal feed.

Cassava chips processing machine introduction:
a. Cassava peeling:
b. Cassava washing:
c. Cassava chipping
d. Cassava chips drying: The wet chips are taken to the Rotary Dryer where they are dried to 12-14% moisture content.
e. Packing: they are then weighed and bagged in 50kg polypropylene bags and stored.
Cassava chips processing machine

cassava chips making machine
Cassava chips machine

If you want to get more info about the cassava chips processing machines,weclome to contact us,we will service you at 24 hours.
Contact: Elina
Tel: +8613526615783
Phone: +86037156771822


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