Cassava flour production line

Cassava flour production line introduction :
To produce high quality cassava flour, the fresh cassava roots harvested 10-12 months after planting. The fresh roots must be healthy without rot and well handled from farm. The roots should be processed within 24 hours after harvesting.  

Peeling and washing section during the cassava flour production line  Ensure that the rind is  completely removed  to ensure low fiber  and  white color  of the finished product.   Wash peeled roots thoroughly in clean water to remove pieces of peel, sand and other dirt.

Grating section during the cassava flour production line :  Grate roots properly in clean stainless steel grater to obtain uniformly smooth mash.  The grated mash must be uniformly smooth without lumps. In case of non-uniform mash, grate again until smooth mash is obtained.

cassava flour production line
Dewatering section during the cassava flour production line : The mash  is loaded  into  sacks  and  pressed to remove as much moisture as possible. Pressing is completed when water is no longer dripping from the sacks. Complete dewatering facilitates drying.

Sifting or Sieving section during the cassava flour production line : Cake breaking is done using clean hands followed by sifting with non-rusting sifter into clean basin. It can also be done by placing the pressed cake back into the grater and disintegrate for drying. Sifter made of stainless steel material is preferable.  

Drying section during the cassava flour production line  : Dry the disintegrated/sifted cake in a dryer to reduce moisture level to acceptable level according to national regulatory standards. Sun drying, use of mechanical or solar dryer can be employed to reduce the moisture.  

Cassava flour production plant
Packaging : Pack desired quantities of cassava flour in polythene bags and/or sacks, seal or stitch as appropriate.

Henan Doing Mechanical Equipment Co.,Ltd is the leading manufacturer of cassava processing machine in China,we can provide you the complete set cassava flour production line and the cassava starch processing machine,garri making machine and the glucose syrup processing machine.

So if you want to get more information of cassava flour production line machine,please contact me when you are free.And my engineer will give you a feasibility program according to your demand..

Contact: Ms Elina
Tel: 0086 371 5677 1822
whatsapp/Phone:0086 135 2661 5783


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