Potato starch processing plant
1- Potato sorting and weighing section in potato starch processing plant: The roots are sorted to select wholesome roots for processing.The sorted roots are weighed.
2- Potato washing section: Washing the potato and remove the soil on face.
3- Potato grating: The potato are grated to produce a smooth mash.
4- Potato extracting section in potato starch processing plant: The mash is discharged into a starch extractor to extract the starch.
5- sedimentation: The starch milk is allowed to settle forming two layers i.e. the top free supernatant liquid and the thick starch slurry.
6- dewatering: The supernatant layer of liquid is removed by siphoning off the liquid with rubber hose and the thick slurry obtained is dewatered to reduce its moisture content.
7- Potato starch drying section in potato starch processing plant: After dewatering section,the potato starch are delivered to the air steam flash dryer machine for drying.

8- Potato starch milling section in potato starch processing plant: The dried product is milled to desired particle size (if necessary).
9- Potato starch packaging: The starch is packaged appropriately.
Any questions about the potato starch processing plant,weclome to contact us,our engineer will give you a feasibility cpotato starch processing plant program according to your requirement.
Tel/Whats app: 0086 135 2661 5783
Web: http://www.cassavaprocessingmachine.com
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