Cassava starch extraction equipment

Efficient cassava starch extraction equipment

Here is the introduction of cassava starch extraction equipment:

step 1 sorting: The roots are sorted to select wholesome roots for processing.

step 2 weighing: The sorted roots are weighed.

step 3 cassava peeling: The roots are peeled to remove the peels.

step 4 cassava grating: The peeled roots are grated to produce a smooth mash.

step 5 cassava extracting:
Cassava starch project in Nigeria

step 6 sedimentation:  step 7 dewatering:   step 8 granulating:

step 9 milling: The dried product is milled to desired particle size (if necessary).

step 10 packaging: The starch is packaged appropriately.

My company have produced the cassava starch ectraction equipment for decades.

If you have any questions about the cassava starch extraction equioment,weclome to contact us,our engineer will give you a feasibility program of cassava starch extraction equipment according to you requirement.
Contact: Elina
Tel: +8613526615783
Phone: +86037156771822


  1. Email:
    Tel/Whatsapp:0086 135 2661 5783


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