Small scale cassava starch processing production machine

The process of cassava starch production machine :

(1) Raw material receiving and screw conveying: The potato is carried and transported on the conveyer.

(2) Water cleaning and destoning : The water will wash the potato/cassava and destoning during the process of conveying.

(3) Crushing section of cassava starch production machine : The crushing unit is the most important step for extracting potato starch. Highly-efficient crushing machine will release the starch in potato at most.

(4) Centrifugal extracting:The starch slurry and residue  will be separated from the starch milk.

(5). Desanding: Removing the sand in the starch slurry.
cassava starch production machine

(6) Concentration and refining:Working through the hydroclone, there are 2 steps, including concentration and refining so that we can get purier starch slurry.

(7) Vacuum dewatering: The starch slurry is pumped into inlet tank of vacuum dewatering machine. 
(8) Air-stream drying: After dewatering process, the air dryer will dry the starch to the required moisture of the commercial starch. Then starch goes into the screw conveyor.
Above is the all cassava starch production machine and its function,as the professional cassava starch production machine,we can provide you the different capacity cassava starch production machine and the other starch production project.
Welcome to contact me for more information of cassava starch production machine.
Tel/Whatsapp: 0086 135 2661 5783


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