Wheat gluten making machine

The wheat gluten is produced from wheat flour . The wheat gluten making machine production process is making dough from wheat flour , then use water washing to separate the wheat starch and wheat gluten.

Detailed introduction about the usage of wheat gluten making machine

1.First,put the water into the hopper,then put the suitable flour into the hopper,mix them together.

2,The first mixing time around 12 mintues,with clockwise rotation 5-6 minutes, then reverse about 5minutes, then stop to make the dough keeping a moment with a wet cloth or plastic wrap
Gluten making machine
3.The dough keep generally for not less than 12 minutes.

4,After 12 minutes, put 25 kg water into the hopper of wheat gluten making machine again,then open the machine to work about 3 minutes,then stop,let the flour batter flow through the hole of machine.

5,The gluten making machine moved to points,connect the filter on the hopper when the flour batter flow .

6,The second washing time will be not more than 5 minutes.repeat 3-5 times ,then can get the gluten finally.Please clean the hopper after get the gluten out from the hopper.

Our company have engaged in wheat gluten making machine for 30 years, if you have any questions,weclome to contact us,our engineers will offer you a feasibility program according to your demand.

web:  http://www.starch projectsolution.com
TEL: 008637156771822
Email: sales@doingmachinery.com


  1. more information for gluten making machine,you can contact me
    Email: sales@doingmachinery.com
    Tel/Whatsapp: 0086 135 2661 5783


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