Air-stream flash dryer for cassava starch processing

Cassava starch  processing machine -- Air stream flash dryer
The cassava air stream starch dryer is mainly used to drying the wet cassava starch during the cassava starch producing . But it also can used to drying potato starch , sweet potato starch , corn starch , wheat starch and all kinds of starch drying .

The feature of cassava starch processing machine -- air stream flash dryer
1,Each collocation and parameter have definite theory basis ,such as heat exchange’s collocation,temperature control of inlet air and outlet air ,diameter change of cyclone pipe etc.
2,contact  with starch parts is made of stainless steel
3, The product quantity and precision are greatly aspect of product manufacturing .
4,though measuring on feeding material moisture

Working principle of--Air-stream flash dryer
The hot air enters into the bottom of the dryer in tangent direction.Under the driving of the stirrer,a powerful rotating wind area is formed.The paste state materials enter into the dryer through the screw charger.Under the powerful function effect of stirring at high-speed roation,the materials are distributed under the function of strike,friction and shearing force.The block state materials will soon be smashed and contact the hot air fully and the materials are heated and dried.

The process of air stream flash dryer
The dried materials after the de-watering will go up with the hot-air flow.The grading rings will stop and keep the big particles.Small particles will be sidcharged out of the dryer from the ring center and will be collected in the cyclone and dust collector. The not-fully-dried or big piece materials will be sent to the wall of the equipment by centrifugal force and be smashed again after they fall down to the bottom.

Henan Doing Mechanical Equipment Co.,Ltd engaged in cassava processing machine,and air stream flash dryer, syrup glucose making machine, potato satrch making machine, cassava flour processing machine, cassava chips making machine, potato / sweet potato starch processing machine, any questions of cassava starch air stream flash dryer machine,pls contact me.
Contact: Ms Elina
TEL: 008637156771822
Phone/ whatsapp:0086 135 2661 5783


  1. Contact: Ms Elina
    Tel: 0086 371 5677 1822
    whatsapp/Phone:0086 135 2661 5783


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