High quality cassava flour processing with competitive price

Cassava flour processing plant production process:
Cassava root -- peeling -- washing -- grating -- Dewtering  -- Drying -- Milling -- Packing -- Storing.

Introduction of cassava flour processing : To produce high qualtiy cassava flour, the fresh cassava roots harvested 10-12 months after planting. The fresh roots must be healthy without rot and well handled from farm. The roots should be processed within 24 hours after harvesting.

Cassava flour processing machine
The complete cassava flour processing equipment is comprised of 6 production section as below.
1. Cassava cleaning and washing section of cassava flour manufacturing equipment
Loose dirt, sand, and gravel are removed in cleaning and washing section. It will need some machine working together, include the cassava dry cleaning machine , paddle washing machien.

2. Cassava peeling section of cassava flour processing

The cassva peeling machinw in cassava peeling setion will reomove the cassava outter peel and inner peel for producing the high quality cassaava flour.

3. Cassava milling section of cassava flour manufacturing equipment

The cassava milling machine will mill the peeled cassava into small particle for processing the cassava flour .

4. Pressing dewatering section of cassava flour processing

The hydraulic press will be used to press dewatering for remove the water from cassava mash as much as possible.

5. Cassva flour drying setion of cassava flour manufacturing equipment

The special designed cassava flour dryer will drying the wet cassava flour two times for complete drying the outter and inner of cassava flour .

Cassava flour processing machine

Henan Doing Company as the professional cassava flour processing machine supplier in China, we can provide you the different capacity cassava processing machine according to your demand and your capacity.

If you want to get more detail information of cassava flour processing .welcome to contact us directly,we will offer you a feasibility program according to your demand.
Web: www.cassavaprocessingplant.com
Tel: 008613526615783
Email: sales@doingmachinery.com


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