Potato starch making machine

Henan Doing potato starch making machine has more than 20 years wxperience,all potato starch making machine adpopts mature technology,advaned equipment,scientic and rational process.The potato starch processing chart flow is as below:
washing and peeling section -- crushing section -- filtering section -- concentrating and refining section -- dehydration and drying section -- screening section -- packing section.
Besides all machine contact part is the stainless steel,which can meet the quality of food production.
There are some features of potato starch making machine we provide:
1. Application: potato starch making machine
2. Capacity: 100 - 2000 kg/h (output capacity)
3. Raw material : 304 stainless steel, which can meet the quality of food production.
4. Operation: full automatic, the line just need 4 - 5 people.
5. Quality: top level
Henan Doing Mechanical Equipment Co.,Ltd engaged in cassava processing machine,and the cassava starch processing plant, syrup glucose making machine, potato satrch making machine, cassava flour processing machine, cassava chips making machine, potato / sweet potato starch processing machine, any questions of potato starch making machine, pls contact me.
Contact: Ms Elina
Email: sales@doingmachinery.com
Tel: 0086 371 5677 1822
whatsapp/Phone:0086 135 2661 5783
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