The influence factors of Cassava peeling machine price

This article mainly introduce some factors that may affect the cassava peeling machine price

When processing cassava into garri or cassava flour, cassava peeling machine is one of the most important equipment. After cassava harvesting, the moisture around 67% in cassava tubers, at this time, It is easy to peeling the cassava. After cassava peeling, it will be easy to process cassava into gari or cassava flour. Therefore cassava peeling machine is important for those who want to engage in cassava processing, and the cassava peeling machine price is their main concern. Then we will analysis the main factors that influence cassava peeling machine price.

Cassava peeling machine

Cassava peeling machine price is firstly influenced by equipment capacity.

Obviously, the bigger is the capacity, the expensive is the cassava peeling  machine price. DOING cassava peeling machine have different capacities, including: 1t/h, 3t/h, 5t/h, 8t/h, 10t/h etc. Normally we will fabricate the machine according to customer’s requirements.

Cassava peeling machine price is firstly influenced by equipment capacity

Then cassava peeling machine price is affected by the equipment material used.
Everyone client knows the fact that stainless steel is higher cost than carbon steel, stainless steel also including stainless steel 304 and stainless steel 316, with difference in grades. Normally, we needs use stainless steel with food grade in the raw material contact parts of the machine when processing cassava flour and garri. For stainless steel material is more sanitary which ensures the produced products meet food standards. Besides, stainless steel material ensures longer equipment lifespan and is rust and corrosion resistant. Cassava peeling machine price made from carbon steel is cheaper, and it can be used in animal feed production.

To know cassava peeling machine price, we need also has a basic understand of the structure and function of cassava peeling machine. 
Cassava peeling and washing machine is a kind of machine taking use of the friction between brush roller and cassava to achieve the purpose of cassava peeling. It including the frame, base , brush rollers, machine body,screw propeller, two motors, gear, bearing and chains etc. And therefore cassava peeling machine price may also influenced by equipment configuration.

Different configurations cassava peeling machine

For equipment configuration, Currently, cassava peeling machine price differs because of different rollers.
One type cassava peeling machine is equipped with stainless steel brush rollers, which have better peeling rate, while it may have a disadvantage that produces more wastes; Another designing of cassava peeling machine roller is sand paper, which may not remove the second level of skin, but it will have less waste rate. But the running cost of this machine in future will be less in cassava flour processing machine.

There are many other elements may affect the cassava peeling machine price, After you know these factors in this article, hope it will be helpful for you when choosing a reasonable machine.

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