What operation will ensure that we get high quality cassava starch?

The quality of cassava starch is related to the whiteness, fineness and precision of finished cassava starch. In order to ensure that we get high quality cassava starch, cassava starch processing machine with mature processing technology is generally used for cassava starch processing.

First of all, cassava starch processing machine adopts double cleaning processing technology to clean the cassava raw material. Dry sieve is used to clean off the impurities like weeds, sands, little stones, etc, and then paddle washing machine is used to wash the cassava completely and eliminate sand&mud effectively. This ensures the cleanliness of cassava raw materials and helps improve the whiteness, precision of finished cassava starch.

Cassava dry sieve and paddle washing machine

In addition, cassava starch processing machine adopts double crushing processing technology to crush the cassava raw material. Cutting machine is used to cut the cassava into small pieces, and then the rasper is used to crush the small cassava pieces into cassava pulp. This ensures the free rate of bound starch and helps improve the output and fineness of finished cassava starch.


Cassava cutting machine and rasper

Besides that, cassava starch processing machine adopts double refining processing technology to extract cassava starch. Centrifuge sieve is used to sieve the fiber out of cassava starch milk, and then hydrocyclone station is used to delicate scrubbing cassava starch milk. This ensures the purify of cassava starch milk and helps improve the whiteness, fineness and precision of finished cassava starch.


Cassava centrifuge sieve and hydrocyclone staion

Last but not the least, cassava starch processing machine adopts double dehydrating processing technology to extract cassava starch. Peeler centrifuge is used to dewater the cassava starch milk into wet cassava starch powder, and then flash dryer is used to dry the cassava starch instantly. This ensures the moisture uniformity of cassava starch and helps improve the whiteness, fineness and precision of finished cassava starch.


Cassava peeler centrifuge and flash dryer

All these cassava starch processing machines mentioned above manufactured by Henan Jinrui Company has the features of high starch extraction rate, stable running and low power consumption. If you also want to get high quality cassava starch, welcome to contact us and customize excellent cassava starch processing machines!

Tel: 0086 371 5677 1822
whatsapp/Phone:0086 135 2661 5783
Email: sales@doingmachinery.com


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