What kind of cassava starch content is high?
There are many factors that influence the starch content of cassava. In addition to the maturity of the cassava starch processing machine technology, the starch content in different cassava is also different. So do you know which kind of cassava is high in starch? What key points should you pay attention to? This article will give you a detailed answer. The starch content in cassava tubers is closely related to the cassava variety, harvest period and storage period. This article will answer the question of what kind of cassava starch content is high from these three aspects. Select fresh cassava high in starch 1. Different varieties of cassava has different starch content. Different varieties of cassava have different starch content. In common, it is from 10% to 30% or more higher, so you can test your cassava variety you used, which will influence yield of starch. It is better that you can high starch varieties to increase ...