What is the most profitable type of business to start in Nigeria, and how much capital do you need for it?


Recent years, especially after covid-19 outbreak, agricultural product processing is the most profitable type of business in Nigeria, among which cassava processing business is the most promising.

Cassava can be processed into garri, cassava flour and cassava starch. And the captial varies from different products.

cassava productsCassava processing business in Nigeria

Garri production is most suitable for a beginner, as its sales market is everywhere in Nigeria. Garri can be eaten without further cooking, as a snack, by placing it in a bowl and adding cold water, sugar, groundnut and milk. Cassava tubers can be processed into garri by means of cleaning, washing, peeling, grating, fermentation, dewatering, frying and sieving. Garri processing machines capacity varies from 1tpd to 40tpd. Equipment investment budget range is 20,000usd to 600,000usd.

gari processing plantGarri production line from Henan Jinrui

Cassava flour production is also good business in Nigeria. Now most bakers are considering cassava flour as an addition or even substitute, and some pharmacy companies also have great demand for it. Cassava flour machines from Henan Jinrui company adopts world advanced wet processing technology and can ensure high quality of final flour, which makes large production come true. The process of making cassava flour is: raw cassava cleaning, washing, peeling, crushing, de-sanding, dewatering, drying and sieving. We can supply complete cassava flour plant with capacity of 2t/h to 40t/h cassava input, price range is 50,000usd to 1,600,000usd.

cassava flour processing plantCassava flour processing machine

Among all cassava products, cassava starch has the largest market. Cassava starch is widely applied in food and non-food production fields like paper making, printing, textile, glue, cosmetics, seasonings, etc. If fresh cassva tubers and capital are available, cassava starch production is the best choice because it has big market not only in local but also in overseas area. Henan Jinrui Company has rich experience in starch machines production and installation, and we have did starch projects in Nigeria and other African countries. Capacity of our cassava starch production line is between 2t/h and 40t/h cassava input, price range is 200,000usd to 2,000,000usd.

cassava starch production lineComplete set of cassava starch processing machine

The above is a brief introductiom to cassava procesing business in Nigeria. If you have idea to invest cassava processing, apart from processing machine cost, you should also consider shipping and importation cost, construction cost, water and electricity cost, etc. Welcome to contact us for more details. 【See also: Can I visit the cassava processing machine manufacturer factory in China?


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