Three important factors involved in setting up a tapioca flour/fufu processing plant

 With the expansion of tapioca planting scale, tapioca deep processing has become an inevitable trend to seek higher economic benefits. More and more of them want to invest in the production of tapioca flour/fufu, however, if you want to successfully start a tapioca flour/fufu processing plant, you need to consider several factors. Among them, the tapioca raw material, the energy supply of the tapioca flour/fufu processing plant and the processing technology of the tapioca flour/fufu are three more important factors.

1. Raw Material Conditions

Before investing in the establishment of a tapioca flour processing plant, you must first consider the supply conditions of raw materials.

If the tapioca raw material is transported over a long distance, it will increase production costs and reduce profits. And the storage time of tapioca will also affect the extraction rate. Therefore, the raw materials for tapioca flour processing should be mainly local and supplemented by other places.

Henan Jinrui Company recommends that you build a tapioca flour processing plant near the tapioca plantation, which can ensure the supply of fresh tapioca on the one hand, and save transportation costs on the other hand.

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2. Energy Conditions

During the production of tapioca flour/fufu, a large amount of water is required for cleaning. This also shows that the water source problem is an important issue involving the production and processing of tapioca flour. So you need to make sure your water supply is stable. If a well is used for water supply, the year-round water supply capacity of the well should be investigated and whether the water level can be supplied normally after the water level drops in the dry season. Just in case, you'd better have an emergency backup plan.

In addition, you also need to pay attention to: regularly check the sewage treatment measures close to the water source, design the power supply lines and transformers of the tapioca flour processing plant.

3. Tapioca Flour/Fufu Processing Technology

The tapioca flour processing technology determines the quality and sales market of the finished tapioca flour. As we all know, high-quality tapioca flour is easy to sell. Of course to produce high-quality tapioca flour, you need to spend a little more money on a tapioca flour processing machine. Henan Jinrui tapioca flour processing plant adopts wet processing technology, which not only saves water consumption, but also produces high-quality dry tapioca flour for sale in a short time. For those who want to mass produce and sell tapioca flour, an automated tapioca flour processing machine is the best choice.

How to set up a tapioca flour processing plant? Where to buy tapioca flour processing equipment? How much is a complete set of automatic tapioca flour processing machine? If you have any questions about tapioca flour/fufu processing, please feel free to contact Henan Jinrui to answer your questions.

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