The Cost of Cassava Flour Processing Machinery in Tanzania

In Tanzania, cassava flour can be widely used in baking food, pastry, beverages and other industry. With its broad market and high profit potential, more and more entrepreneurs are starting to invest in cassava flour processing businesses. While before setting up a factory, it is important to know the cost of cassava flour processing machinery. How much budget does it need? In this article, we will explore the cost of cassava flour processing machinery in Tanzania.

A project case showing you the cost of cassava flour processing machinery in Tanzania

To begin with, one of our project cases in Tanzania will provide some reference for you. In this case, the cost of cassava flour machinery was approximately $300,000. This Tanzanian client wanna process 30tons raw cassava tubers in one day, approximately equals to 4 tons per hour. Generally speaking, 4 tons raw cassava tubers can be processed into 1ton qualified cassava flour. Our technician and project manager offer him a solution design based on his expecting capacity and rough invest cost, that is an automatic cassava flour processing machinery, including a cleaning group, a crushing group, a dewatering plant, a drying machine, and a sieving plant.

The installation of cassava flour processing machinery in Tanzania

The cost of cassava flour processing machinery in Tanzania varying with the different capacities of the equipment

Different capacities of the equipment influence the cost of cassava flour processing machinery in Tanzania. As a professional manufacturer of cassava flour processing machinery with over 12 years experience, here we can provide the different cost range of completely automatic cassava flour processing machinery in Tanzania for your reference. The cost of cassava flour processing machines with capacities from 5tpd to 10tpd is $50,000 to $220,000; that with capacities from 20tpd to 50tpd is $250,000 to $600,000; For capacities from 100tpd to 200tpd, the cost ranges from $90, 000 to $1,700,000.

factors influencing the cost of cassava flour processing machineFactors influencing the cost of cassava flour processing machinery

The cost of cassava flour processing machinery being influenced by the different configurations available

Different configurations available have different costs. Based on the demands of different clients', the cassava flour processing machinery can be divided into semi-automatic cassava flour processing machine and completely automatic cassava flour processing machine, whose costs differ from each other. The semi-automatic, with a lower cost, is more popular among beginners in the cassava business and small scale cassava flour producer in Tanzania. In contrast, the cost of the completely automatic cassava flour processing machinery is a little high. But because it can ensures the whiteness, fineness and taste of final cassava flour, it is often purchased by the purchasing managers in the modern large scale cassava flour processing factories in Tanzania.

If you wanna set up a cassava flour factory in Tanzania, besides the cost of cassava flour processing machinery, other factors like the amount of your raw materials, the land, the labor, and so on also need take into consideration. We are Jinrui company, with 12 years’ experience in cassava processing field, and can provide a professional solution design for you. Welcome to talk with us!

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