What is the guideline for producing cassava starch?

Cassava starch possesses distinctive properties that make it highly versatile in both the food industry and industrial field. For people want to involve in cassava starch processing field, it is necessary to know the properties of cassava starch and guideline for cassava starch extraction. Now let’s discuss them!

properties of cassava starch and guideline for cassava starch extractionProperties of cassava starch and guideline for cassava starch extraction

Properties of cassava starch

1.High viscosity: Cassava starch has a high viscosity, which means it has a thick and sticky consistency when mixed with water. This property makes it suitable for use as a thickening agent in various food products.

2.High clarity: Cassava starch has high clarity, meaning it produces clear and transparent solutions when dissolved in water. This property makes it suitable for use in products where a clear appearance is desired, such as jellies and glazes.

3.Gluten-free: Cassava starch is naturally gluten-free, making it a suitable alternative for individuals with gluten intolerance or celiac disease. It can be used as a substitute for wheat flour in gluten-free baking.

properties of cassava starchProperties of cassava starch

4. Good binding properties: Cassava starch has good binding properties, which means it can help hold ingredients together in food products. This property makes it useful in applications such as meat products, where it can improve texture and moisture retention.

5.High gelatinization temperature: Cassava starch has a high gelatinization temperature, which means it requires higher temperatures to fully hydrate and thicken. This property makes it suitable for use in products that undergo high-temperature processing, such as canned soups and sauces.

6.Low cost: Cassava starch is relatively inexpensive compared to other starches, making it a cost-effective ingredient for food manufacturers.

Guideline for cassava starch extraction

For the extraction of cassava starch, the most advanced processing technology in the world refers to the full cyclone process. Full cylone process adopts 18 stages hydrocyclone station to extract cassava starch through the unity of concentrating, refining, and recycling.

guideline for cassava starch extractionGuideline for cassava starch extraction

When the ground starch slurry is pumped into the hydrocyclone station, the 1-3 stages part separates the impurities like protein and cell sap out of the raw cassava starch slurry under the centrifugal force to realize the primary concentration. (As the slurry passes through the hydrocyclones, the starch particles are collected at the center while the remaining impurities are expelled through an outlet. ) Then the primary concentrated starch slurry enters the 4-7 stages hydrocyclone station for recovering the starch milk. Finally the filtered cassava starch milk will be pumped into the 8-18 stages for refining. In actual cassava starch extraction project cases, The stages configuration of hydrocyclone are adjustable according to the clients' requirements on the final cassava starch. [Recommended reading: cassava starch proprocessing line]

The above is an introduction to the properties of cassava starch and guidelines for cassava starch extraction. If you want to learn more info about cassava starch production process and related machinery, welcome to contact us!

Tel/Whatsapp: +86-13526615783

Website: http://www.cassavaprocessing.com
Email: sales@doingmachinery.com
Address: 19B Kudirat Abiola Way Olusosun Bus stop, Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria


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