
Showing posts from August, 2024

Cassava starch extraction equipment purchase plan options

Because of its wide application, starch has attracted many people to invest in building factories for production. In modern processing, there is cassava starch extraction equipment with different output types, suitable for different investment groups. Today we will introduce three options for cassava starch extraction equipment. 木薯淀粉提取设备通常包括洗涤-研磨-分离-精制-脱水-干燥-筛分。 木薯淀粉提取设备 通常, 如果木薯原料淀粉含量高,采用先进的 木薯淀粉提取设备及加工技术,约4 吨木薯可生产1吨木薯淀粉。我们可以做到的能力 每小时投入2-40吨木薯。这里我们介绍小型、中型、 以及大容量木薯淀粉提取设备。 1、小容量木薯淀粉提取设备 小的 每小时投入2吨木薯,可生产500公斤 每小时可获得淀粉,每天可获得约​​5-10吨淀粉。这 完整的木薯淀粉提取设备成本约为16万美元, 适合小投资者。 2、中型木薯淀粉提取设备 和 中型木薯淀粉提取设备如12吨 每小时木薯投入量,通常每小时产出淀粉约3吨。 整套木薯淀粉提取设备的成本约为75万美元。它 适合一些有经验的投资者。 3、大容量木薯淀粉提取设备 及大容量 木薯淀粉提取设备 比如每小时投入40吨木薯,那么通常我们可以得到10吨左右 每小时吨淀粉。完整的木薯淀粉提取设备 成本约为 1,500,000 美元。这是一个针对大投资者的项目。 河南 金瑞公司拥有不同类型的木薯淀粉提取 设备,如果您不知道如何选择我们的木薯淀粉提取设备 适合您的设备,您可以联系我们,我们的业务顾问 并且工程师会给您专业的建议。  Tel/Whatsapp: +86-13526615783 Website: 电子邮件: 地址: 19B Kudir

2024 new type Cassava flour processing line introduction

木薯粉加工生产线主要 包括七个步骤: 清洗-去皮-粉碎-脱水-干燥-过筛-包装。和 在所有这些步骤中,新鲜木薯将被逐渐加工成 实心木薯棒、切片木薯、糊状木薯、滤饼木薯、 最后是木薯粉。 木薯粉加工生产线的步骤 清洗:生棕棒木薯--干净的棕棒木薯 打扫 是木薯粉加工线的第一步。主要是去除 杂质以保证物料加工的连续性。干筛 本步骤中配置了桨叶式洗衣机,前者采用的是 干洗原理去除沉积物、杂草等杂质 木薯表面留下叶子,后者采用水洗 方法是把残留的杂物洗掉。 去皮:干净的棕木薯——去皮的白木薯 到期的 由于木薯皮中含有有毒的氰化物,剥皮是 木薯粉制作的必要步骤。去皮机 金瑞制造采用砂辊设计去除两层 快速有效地种植木薯块茎。剥离率可达 95%。而且不锈钢材质极大的保证了食品安全 触摸木薯。 粉碎:去皮白棒木薯--糊状木薯 木薯 粉碎是将去皮后的固体木薯转变成糊状。 这一步会配置切割机和锉刀 木薯粉加工线。在切割机中,实心棒 木薯将被切成片。我们的切割机,采用4cr13 材质和菱形刀片设计,可以大大提高 破碎效率高,减少工作时间。后来切片了 木薯将被输送至锉刀并被粉碎成木薯糊 在锉刀的挤压和破碎以及旋转的作用下 鼓。 脱水:糊状木薯-滤饼木薯 后 将糊状的木薯用清水稀释后,泵入 板框压滤机用于脱水。被挤压 盘架这一步,糊状木薯就变成粉饼木薯了。 届时,工艺用水将被过滤并排放。比较的 与传统液压机相比,金瑞板框压滤机 采用机械传动、电力、电气一体化设计 液压,可实现高产量、小型过滤器 蛋糕制作时间短,效率更高。 木薯粉的制作步骤 干燥:滤饼木薯--粗木薯粉 一般来说 说起来,滤饼木薯经过水压后需要 用锤式破碎机或手工破碎,然后进入闪蒸干燥机进行干燥 烘干。滤饼木薯进入 闪蒸干燥机 , 在高温气流的作用下进行干燥。金瑞 闪蒸干燥机采用不同尺寸的管道设计,增加接触 物料和气流之间的区域。另外,风扇 设计在管端利用负压原理抽取 气流,大大提高干燥效果。 过筛:粗木薯粉--细合格木薯粉 中的筛子 木薯粉加工生产线 是 提高最终合格面粉的细度和纯度。在 这一步,干木薯粉通过筛网进入筛网 管道装置,并通过筛子的网孔进行筛选,在 同时,将粗木薯粉筛选出来, 合格的细粉将被保存。一般来说,合格的 木薯粉

The mechanized processing of garri in Sierra Leone

  Garri is one of the main food in Sierra Leone. It is produced from fresh cassava tubers through peeling, grating, fermentation, dewatering, frying, and sieving. There are two kinds of methods for garri production: manual and mechanized processing methods. The first involves manual labor, which is time-consuming and labor-intensive. In contrast, mechanized processing of garri is more efficient and cost-effective for modern garri production. This article will introduce the mechanized processing of garri in Sierra Leone. the mechanized processing of garri in Sierra Leone Advantages of the mechanized processing of garri in Sierra Leone Why is the mechanized processing of garri so popular in Sierra Leone? Firstly, the mechanized processing of garri is more efficient and faster, which means that more garri can be produced in a shorter amount of time. This is particularly important in Sierra Leone where there is high demand for garri. Secondly, it is

The entire processing chain for cassava flour production

  Cassava flour which can replace the wheat flour to meet local need in baking and making bread, is becoming more and more profitable in Africa. Then how to process cassava flour with lower cost and realize larger profit? Now this article will introduce the entire processing chain for cassava flour production. The entire processing chain for cassava flour production varies in accordance with the different processing methods. In the dry method, the entire processing chain for cassava flour production includes cleaning, peeling, chipping, drying and milling. This dry processing method for cassava flour, with lower construction cost, is more suitable for small-scale and home-use cassava flour production. Dry method cassava flour processing chain After cleaning and peeling the cassava tubers( you can decide to clean and peel the tubers by hand or by machines based on your budget), a cassava chips making machine will help to slice the cleaned cassava tubers into thick chips fro

Potato starch recovery machinery

 In recent years, more and more clients have wanted to venture into potato starch processing. Henan Jinrui Food Company as one of much-experienced starch machine manufacturer provides some details about potato starch recovery machinery. Firstly the potato starch recovery machinery has three parts, including cleaning, processing, and drying part. The cleaning part is used to remove potato material impurities and clean potato tubers better. In the processing part, we will use a machine to grate potato tubers, sieve fibers, desanding, sieve proteins, dewatering, etc. Then we can get pure and wet potato starch with 38%-40% moisture. The final part is drying and sieving to get high quality potato starch. If you want more details on the potato starch recovery process, you can read also [ Potato starch processing machine ]. Potato starch recovery machinery can be divided into different grades by different machine configurations. For example: the grating machine will influence the

2ton per hour capacity flash dryer for cassava starch

 The flash dryer is one of the key equipment for cassava starch production. And high quality starch drying machine can ensure high quality cassava starch and stable moisture content.The article will give you a brief of a 2ton per hour capacity flash dryer machine designed by Henan Jinrui company. Flash dryer is an efficient drying equipment for powdered materials, which is widely usedfor drying various kinds of starch(like cassava, potato, and sweet potato). It has the characteristics of large processing capacity, short drying time, continuous and stable operation, controllable, small investment, and convenient operation. Flash dryer for cassava starch production Flash dryer mainly consists of screw feeders, drying tubes, cyclones, heat exchangers, fans, and exhaust tubes. Firstly wet cassava starch power will be sentin to a drying tube through a screw feeder. Then wet starch will mix with hot air inside and complete the drying process. The drying speed isvery fast and it j

What is the cost of cassava starch processing plant?

With the increasing demand for cassava starch in the international market and the development of the cassava processing industry, more and more people want to set up a cassava starch processing plant to gain profit from cassava. But most people do not know how much does it cost to establish a cassava starch processing plant. Generally speaking, the cost of cassava starch processing plant includes land cost, land construction cost, machines cost, workers' salaries, etc. Factors influences the cost of cassava starch processing plant Firstly, the land costs. To establish a cassava starch processing plant, you need to prepare a piece of land first, either to buy or to lease. This part of the land cost needs to be estimated by your local situation. Of course, DOING engineer can give you advice on the plant area, and can design the layout of the plant for you. Secondly, land construction cost. This cost means the cassava starch processing plant's buildings

What machine for make tapioca flour?

Tapioca as one of the popular crops in Africa has a high level of Nutrition and is popular in the local market. So some clients wonder how to make tapioca flour from raw tapioca. Here is some advice from Henan Jinrui Food Company: Traditional and home-use method to process tapioca flour Tapioca flour processing includes 6 steps, including cleaning, peeling, cutting, boiling, drying, and milling. Cleaning: Clean to remove sand and dirt after harvesting from farms. Peeling: Peel thick layers with the peeling machine with high capacity. Cutting: Cut peeled tapioca tubers into uniform size chips. This is to enable the chips to dry faster at the same time and temperature. Boiling: After cutting, put tapioca chips in boiling water for about 5 minutes. If possible need a longer time. Drying: Put chips in a cabinet dryer. Ensure tapioca chips are properly dried. Milling: Mill dried tapioca chips into fine flour using a hammer mill. After finishing these steps, you can do a sieve and packa

Some guidance for starch processing

Cassava starch is an important raw material widely used in food and industrial fields. The wet extraction method for cassava starch is an advanced way to quickly and efficiently extract pure starch from cassava tubers, which ensures a high yield and superior quality of starch, making it a preferred choice for starch producers. This article will introduce the wet extraction method for cassava starch to you in order to give you some guidance for starch processing. According to the wet extraction method for cassava starch, its processing technology can be roughly divided into three important stages: the cleaning stage, the processing stage, and the drying stage. the wet extraction method for cassava starch The cleaning stage under the wet extraction method for cassava starch refers to the preliminary processing, that is to say, it is to remove the impurities attached to cassava tubers in the picking process. Fresh cassava tubers firstly will enter a dry sieve to sieve off the

How long does it take to set up a cassava flour factory in Cameroon?

  Cassava flour is becoming increasingly popular and is being used to replace wheat flour in bread processing. As a result, many clients are interested in setting up a cassava flour factory in Cameroon. However, they are curious about the time it takes to set up such a cassava flour factory. In this article, we will discuss the various factors that affect the time it takes to set up a cassava flour factory in Cameroon. Complete cassava flour factory Firstly, it is important to note that setting up a complete cassava flour factory in Cameroon takes several months. This includes cassava flour processing machine manufacturing, delivery, and installation, which can take up to 7-8 months. Therefore, it is crucial to plan ahead and allow sufficient time for the entire process. Secondly, before ordering the cassava flour processing machines, it is important to find a suitable location for the cassava flour factory. This can take some time, as the l

The machine of the transformation of the cassava to Garri

  Many customers are interested in garri processing. They don’t know what the machines for converting cassava into garri are. Next, the editor will introduce to you: There are three sections in the machine for the transformation of the cassava to Garri: the cleaning section, the processing section, and the drying section. The flow chart is as below: The machine for the transformation of the cassava to Garri 1. Cleaning section in the machine of the transformation of the cassava to Garri, here are hopper, dry sieve machine, paddle washing machine, and peeling machine. The hopper will store cassava material temporarily, then the conveyor transports the cassava tuber into the dry sieve, which will remove the attached impurities on the surface of the cassava tuber without water. Then enters the paddle washing machine, and wash and clean the soil on the cassava tuber with water. Next, the cassava peeling machine will remove the two layers of skin on the cassava. Garri cleaning

Cassava processing machine product list

Cassava processing includes many products, including Garri, Cassava flour, Cassava starch, Cassava chip, etc. So, the processing technology is different. Here we will introduce the flow chart of different products. Garri processing machine Garri processing flow chart Garri processing usually includes washing -peeling -grating -fermentation -dewatering -frying -sieving -package. As the picture shows, it is a complete garri processing line. Usually, this complete garri processing line is for big capacity. For small capacity, you can also choose the single machines you want. Capacity range: 1TPD, 2~3TPD, 5TPD, 10TPD, 20TPD, Others Cassava flour processing machine Cassava flour processing flow chart Cassava flour processing usually is a complete production line, from Feeding- washing- peeling- cutting- grinding-dewatering -drying- sieving- package. The automatic cassava flour processing line includes these all parts. For semi-automatic cassava flour processing line is also a

How to make manioc chips with machines in Sri Lanka?

Manioc, also known as cassava, plays a vital role in the cuisine of many countries, including Sri Lanka. Manioc can be processed into garri( one staple food in West Africa), manioc flour, manioc starch and manioc chips etc. In Sri Lanka, especially with the popular of manioc chips, the manioc chips machine also attract people's attention. The article will introduce the manioc chips machine in Sri Lanka. Traditionally, the preparation of manioc chips in Sri Lanka was a labor-intensive task, requiring manual peeling and slicing. This process was time-consuming and limited the quantity of chips that could be produced. However, with the advent of manioc chips machines, the production capacity has reached new heights. Manioc chips machines In Sri Lanka, the manioc chips machine is a mechanized device designed specifically for processing manioc into uniform chips. It consists of several components, including a peeling unit, and slicing unit. Each component performs a specif

The mechanized processing of garri in Sierra Leone

  Garri is one of the main food in Sierra Leone. It is produced from fresh cassava tubers through peeling, grating, fermentation, dewatering, frying, and sieving. There are two kinds of methods for garri production: manual and mechanized processing methods. The first involves manual labor, which is time-consuming and labor-intensive. In contrast, mechanized processing of garri is more efficient and cost-effective for modern garri production. This article will introduce the mechanized processing of garri in Sierra Leone. the mechanized processing of garri in Sierra Leone Advantages of the mechanized processing of garri in Sierra Leone Why is the mechanized processing of garri so popular in Sierra Leone? Firstly, the mechanized processing of garri is more efficient and faster, which means that more garri can be produced in a shorter amount of time. This is particularly important in Sierra Leone where there is high demand for garri. Secondly, it is

How to produce yam chips with machines

 Firstly we need to know what is yam, Yam is the common name for some plant species in the genus Dioscorea that form edible tubers. Yams are perennial herbaceous vines cultivated for the consumption of their starchy tubers in many temperate and tropical regions, especially in West Africa, South America the Caribbean, Asia, and Oceania. Yam tubers Yam chips machine is also the cassava primary slicing processing equipment, there are roller types and disk types, and the thickness of the slice can be adjusted according to the requirements. Small-scale farmers or small processing workshops mainly with small disc chips machines, large-scale sun farms, or processing plants generally with large drum chips machine or large disc chips machine. Large yam chips machine The large yam chips machine is mainly composed of a main frame, coupling, electric motor, and diesel engine, among which the main frame is composed of a knife head, upper and lower shells, feeding hopper, and so on. T

Cassava peeling machine for garri production line/cassava chips processing/cassava flour processing

Cassava peeling machine is widely applied to pretreatment of cassava in garri production line, cassava chips processing, and cassava flour full set processing machine. Cassava outer peel is thick, which can damage grinding and slicing equipment if cassava is not peeled first. So cassava outer peels and subcutaneous cuticle of cassava roots should be removed with cassava peeling machine before the next process. Cassava peeling machine Cassava peeling machine, made by Doing Holdings - Henan Jinrui Food Engineering Co., Ltd, is also called sand roller peeling machine. This machine adopts round roller design with sand paper in the surface and is very popular among customers. Working principle of cassava peeling machine Cassava peeling machine mainly consists of peeling brush, motor, brush roll, transmission system, and spray system. After cleaning, cassava is transported into peeling machine. Then cassava is pushed forward by spiral brush to produce friction by cont

Starch machine for cassava starch extraction process

The ideal starch machine used in the cassava starch extraction process should include: feeding hopper, dry sieve, paddle washing machine, cassava cutting machine, cassava rasper, centrifugal sieve, fine fiber sieve, desander, disc separator, automatic control system, hydrocyclone, transfer tank, peeler centrifuge, flash dryer, vibration sieve, quantitative packaging machine. Also includes several belt conveyors. The function of the feeding hopper is to continuously and evenly provide cassava raw materials for the entire cassava starch extraction process to ensure the normal operation of each starch machine in the cassava starch extraction process. Dry sieve and paddle washing machine are necessary starch machines for the washing of cassava raw materials in cassava starch extraction process. The cassava is harvested and transported from the planting area to the cassava starch processing plant. During this process, the surface of the cassava starch must be attached to di

What is the function of hydraulic press machine in garri production line?

  In recent years, more people in Africa, especially Nigeria, Ghana, etc, apply mechanical garri production machines to improve garri production efficiency. Among the garri production machines, garri frying machine, cassava grinding machine and hydraulic press machine are very prevalent and hot sales in Africa. So, today, Henan Jinrui company will take one of them to introduce-----the most hot sale machine hydraulic press machine. Hydraulic press machine The hydraulic press machine is one type of cassava dewatering machine, which is mainly used to squeeze out the water contained in the crushed cassava in garri production line. This step will influence the taste and quality as well as yield of the finished product garri if the moisture in the cassava pulp does not press out. And there are some kinds of hydraulic press machine to dewater cassava pulp in market, they have different effects on garri frying process. Some hydraulic press mac

What's the price of cassava peeling machine in Nigeria?

  Peeling cassava layers is an important and indispensable step in whether traditional or modern cassava to flour and garri production line, which has effect on the quality of cassava flour and garri. As the growth of the market demand of finished products garri and cassava flour, cassava flour and garri production manufacturers, in order to enhance the production, are more prefer modern cassava peeling machine to manual peeling. For people who want to purchase this cassava peeling machine, they would be more considered about its cost. Today, Henan Jinrui would talk about it. Cassava peeling machine of Henan Jinrui Company Normally speaking, when it comes to the cost of cassava peeling machine, it can not be provided directly. Because some factors as following would be influence its cost. Daily processing capacity of cassava peeling machine: As we all know, the larger daily processing capacity of the cassava peeling machine, the more