
Showing posts from November, 2024

Electric powered cassava slicer

 In the realm of modern agricultural equipment, the electric powered cassava slicer represents a significant leap forward in efficiency and convenience. Cassava, a root vegetable widely used in various cuisines and industries, traditionally requires substantial manual effort for slicing, which can be both time-consuming and physically demanding. The introduction of an electric cassava slicer revolutionizes this process by offering a more streamlined, consistent, and quicker method for processing cassava. electric powered cassava slicer The electric powered cassava slicer is mainly composed of main frame, coupling, electric motor among which the main frame is composed of knife head, upper and lower shells, feeding hopper and so on. The knife head is used to cut the material, by adjusting the distance between the knives, the thickness of the final material slice can be adjusted. Generally speaking, the cassava slicer produces material slices with a thickness of 8MM to 3...

Business Opportunities in Nigerian Food Insecurity triggered by Flood

 Nigeria, with its rich agricultural potential, faces significant challenges in food insecurity and malnutrition. Vice President Kashim Shettima’s recent unveiling of the “Nutrition 774 Initiative” in the flood context underscores the government's commitment to tackling these pressing issues. This initiative not only seeks to improve nutritional outcomes but also presents vast business opportunities for entrepreneurs and investors willing to engage in the food sector. Understanding the Landscape of Food Insecurity Food insecurity in Nigeria is a multifaceted problem driven by factors such as poverty, inadequate infrastructure, and limited access to nutritious food. Despite being one of Africa's largest producers of cassava, a staple crop, many Nigerians still struggle to access quality food that meets their nutritional needs. The Nutrition 774 Initiative aims to address these challenges at the grassroots level, encouraging local solutions and community involvement...

Henan Jinrui's garri roaster

在加里生产工厂里,加里 烤炉(也称为加里油炸机)是用于加里的机器 烘干。河南金瑞的加里烘焙机以其卓越的性能在行业中脱颖而出 众多优点。 好材料 这 garri 烘焙机采用不锈钢 304 制成,承诺交付 卓越的性能,确保长期性能。 这 garri 烘焙机的坚固结构确保了耐用性, 意味着更少的维护频率和更少的中断 生产过程。 自动控制系统 这 加里烘焙机的自动温度和搅拌控制系统使 客户可以轻松监控和调节热量 保持完美的烘焙条件,从而保证 始终如一的高品质 Garri 产品。 各种供暖 河南金瑞的 加里烘焙机 提供最经济的技术和实用的设计。它可以 为 garri 提供可靠、高效且经济高效的解决方案 生产者。客户可以根据需要选择不同的供暖方式 garri 烘焙机因地制宜。不仅是 还提供电力以及用于供暖的燃气和柴油供应 系统。它能够提供一致的质量、高容量和 节能使其成为业界的杰出选择。 在 总结,河南金瑞的加里烘焙机是商家理想的选择 寻求扩大生产规模。它可以处理大量 在不影响质量或效率的情况下,使其成为 适用于小型和大型运营的经济高效的解决方案。  Tel/Whatsapp: +86-13526615783 Website: Email: Address: 19B Kudirat Abiola Way Olusosun Bus stop, Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria德弗克斯

How is Potato Starch Manufactured?

传统马铃薯淀粉生产 分为输送、清洗、去除杂质、破碎 以及纤维的提取、过滤和分离、除砂、 精炼和回收、脱水、干燥和包装,包括 马铃薯淀粉制造设备,包括马铃薯干洗机(干 筛)、去石机、滚筒清洗机、切割机、锉刀和 研磨机、离心筛、除砂、旋风组、真空 脱水机、气流干燥机、振动筛、包装机。 马铃薯淀粉生产清洗 1、输送、清洗、去除杂质 第一的 最重要的是,在马铃薯淀粉生产中,当马铃薯储存在 院子内,初步清理由高压泵完成 冲洗,原料输送由流水完成 槽。如果土豆直接通过料斗输送,清洗, 和去杂交需要马铃薯淀粉生产设备 马铃薯干洗机(干筛)、去石机、滚筒 洗衣机;如果是流动输送槽,则只能通过 除石机和滚筒洗衣机加工。接下来, 土豆通过皮带输送到土豆干洗机 输送机进行初步去污,通过摩擦碰撞 使表面的大块泥土和沙子脱落;这 去石机是利用不同的原料和石子 比重,达到去石的效果;去 土豆去核需要经过二次清洗,通过 滚筒洗衣机将其表面彻底清洗干净。 2. 破碎和提取 然后 清洗干净的马铃薯被输送到破碎工段 马铃薯淀粉制造工艺。由于破碎效率( 可获得的游离淀粉的百分比)对于总淀粉至关重要 系统产量,金瑞采用两级破碎工艺, 配备切割机和锉机,实现 尽可能高的破碎效率。 马铃薯淀粉制造破碎和精炼 3. 纤维的过滤和分离 这 粉碎后的马铃薯淀粉浆纤维含量高, 需要采用多级分离器将固液分离 淀粉离心筛之前去除较大的纤维成分 进入除砂装置。然后是马铃薯淀粉制造 在过滤和分离单元中进行处理以获得成品 产品为粗淀粉乳,需输送至砂 除砂器通过螺杆泵除砂。 4. 精炼和回收 这 加工的主要目的是最重要的精炼和 回收装置是为了提高成品淀粉的纯度, 马铃薯淀粉生产中需要使用淀粉旋流器 设备。粗马铃薯淀粉乳完成后 上涡流管高速切入旋风分离器,下涡流管 在高速旋转离心力的作用下,相对密度 淀粉离心力较大,是沿外螺旋方向 沿壁向下至流出口底部;和亲戚 获得离心力的蛋白质和水的密度为 小的话,会在内螺旋中进行到下部 圆锥体中,在圆锥体中将受到底部的流动 出口的阻力形成反向旋转 内螺旋涡流,然后在马铃薯淀粉的上涡流上 制造设备。在圆锥体的下部,它将是 受到底部流道的阻力,从而形成涡流 方向旋转,然后上升至顶部流口 排出,得...

Cassava couscous preparation in Ivory Coast

  Cassava couscous, known locally as attieke, is a staple food in Ivory Coast. The industrial method for preparing attieke involves several steps: First, fresh cassava roots are peeled and washed. They are then grated into a fine paste using a traditional grater or a mechanical grating machine. The grated cassava is then placed in a large container where it is mixed with water to form a mash. Next, the mash is wrapped in a cloth and placed in a press to squeeze out the liquid, which is a process known as fermentation. This step is crucial as it removes the toxic cyanogenic glucosides present in cassava, making it safe to eat. The fermentation process typically lasts for two to three days, during which the mash is regularly turned to ensure even fermentation. Couscous(attieke) machine After fermentation, the cassava is spread out on a mat or tray to dry in the sun. This drying process can take several hours, depending on the weather conditi...

What is the function of garri fryer in garri production process?

  In west Africa, garri is one of common food in people’s daily life. With its stable demand and broad sales market advantages, the garri processing business has attracted many people to invest. Whether it is a large-scale or small-scale garri processing plant, garri fryer is an indispensable equipment in garri production process, which is mainly used to fry the dehydrated cassava paste into finished garri. What is the function of garri fryer in garri production process? Regardless of whether it is for large or small garri processing plants, the garri processing process is similar. In general, the garri production process mainly includes cleaning, washing, peeling, grinding, dewatering and frying. And frying is one of very essential step in garri production process, which has direct influence on the quality of finished garri product. In this garri frying process, garri fryer is often adopted to stir and fry the dewatered cassava past...

Small caoacity garri processing plant

小型加里加工厂是 在西非非常受欢迎,特别是在尼日利亚和加纳。有 许多小型加里加工厂使用手动和机器进行工作 同时。 对于小型加里加工厂,人们 通常没有足够的资金进行完全工业化的加里加工。 所以他们有很多女工来洗木薯和剥皮 一整天都在小作坊里。一般情况下,一名工人可剥皮1吨左右 一天新鲜木薯。如果加工商想要生产 1 吨或 2 吨 garri,他需要雇用大约 10 名工人来完成剥皮工作。 加里加工机 后 手工对木薯进行清洗和去皮,然后,他们会选择 garri 加工机完成剩下的步骤。它包括一个 木薯格栅机、木薯脱水机和 Garri 油炸锅。 木薯削皮机 1. 使用木薯研磨机将木薯研磨成网状或浆状。这 木薯研磨机通常是电动或柴油发动机。 2. 然后,用多个袋子将果肉装入袋子中。用2-3天的时间 发酵,木薯脱水机脱水。他们会 得到水分约为 45% 的湿木薯蛋糕。 3. 接下来是木薯油炸机,适用于小型传统加里 加工厂通常使用带有木柴加热的老式锅。它 需要人一直操作。现在,现代化的加里加工 工厂将匹配自动加里油炸机,容量更大 每小时约100公斤。而且小规模越来越受欢迎 现在加里加工厂。 4. 最后,如果人们想要得到 很好的加里,他们需要一台筛分机将加里分成 根据尺寸不同的质量。那是为了遇见不同的 客户的特殊要求。 河南金瑞公司拥有丰富的 具有garri加工经验。如果您想建立一个小规模 加里加工厂或购买一些加里加工机器,请 请联系我们寻求建议。  Tel/Whatsapp: +86-13526615783 Website: http://www.cassavaprocessingmachine .com Email: Address: 19B Kudirat Abiola Way Olusosun Bus stop, Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria

How to Choose the Right One Potato Starch Processing Machines?

选择合适的马铃薯淀粉加工机,需要考虑几个因素。 首先, 您应该联系设备制造商获取马铃薯淀粉 加工机器而不是贸易公司。厂家有他们的 车间,所有加工成本都可以控制,通常他们的 价格是最具竞争力的。 Henan Jinrui Company 其次, 你 应寻找有丰富淀粉经验的供应商 生产区。无论是设备生产经验还是项目 施工经验非常重要,这可以保证您的 马铃薯淀粉加工机能按时交货, 后期生产线可以顺利运行。 第三, 要重视设备本身,包括加工工艺和设备质量。 什么时候 说到马铃薯淀粉加工的加工技术 机器,主要有两个方面:一是如何增加淀粉 产量,另一个是如何保证高淀粉质量。 作为 针对马铃薯淀粉品质,河南金瑞公司采用18级 马铃薯淀粉加工机械旋流器,确保 最终生产的淀粉可达到国家一级淀粉标准。这 烘干机可以控制最终马铃薯的水分含量 淀粉。而在包装之前,会有一台淀粉筛机来 保证产品的精细度。 河南金瑞马铃薯淀粉加工设备 作为 关于马铃薯淀粉加工机的淀粉提取率, 这里有几个关键点:破碎、筛分、淀粉精制、 烘干。 1、 在破碎过程中,我们采用 锉刀机代替锤式破碎机。与锤子相比 破碎机、锉刀机破碎效率高。锤 破碎机只能做到80%,而锉刀破碎率超过 96%。破碎率越高,释放出的淀粉越多, 因此最终的淀粉产量将会增加。 2. 接下来是纤维筛分过程。河南金瑞公司采用 5级离心筛机用于多级筛分,减少 淀粉在这个过程中流失。此外,在淀粉精炼工段, 18级水力旋流器具有浓缩、精制、精制等功能 循环利用,可保证过程中淀粉损失小于 2‰。 3. 在最后的干燥过程中,负片 压力系统和特殊设计的旋风分离器角度可以减少 淀粉在排气管中流失。 的专业供应商和制造商 河南金瑞公司是马铃薯淀粉加工机械 。 除了最具竞争力的价格外,我们还可以为您提供最优质的服务 先进的加工技术和优质的设备。如果你有一个 计划设立马铃薯淀粉加工厂,欢迎联系 我们了解更多详情。  Tel/Whatsapp: +86-13526615783 Website: 电子邮件: 地址: 19B Kudirat Abiola Way O...

Tapioca starch factory

  Cassava roots are widely grown in African countries. In addition, the tuberous crop is easy to grow, resulting in low raw material costs. At the same time, cassava end-products such as garri, cassava flour, and cassava starch are expensive. As a result, further processing of cassava is considered a profitable industry and is strongly supported by the government. Of all the products, starch has the largest market. In this article, we will briefly introduce machines used for tapioca starch factory. tapioca starch factory The tapioca starch factory consists of three parts: a washing section, a processing section, and a drying section. The production line runs fully automatically, which can ensure high starch yield. Starting from the input of fresh cassava tubers, high quality tapioca starch can be obtained in about half an hour, and then the products will come out continuously. Cleaning section of tapioca starch factory Cleaning section of t...

The choice of cassava powder dryer: one-stage or two-stage

When selecting a cassava powder dryer, the decision between a one-stage and a two-stage system often depends on several factors, including production capacity, energy efficiency, drying quality, and initial investment. Here's a comparative analysis to guide your choice: One-stage Cassava Powder Dryer: One-staged cassava power dryer  Simplicity: A one-stage cassava powder dryer offers a straightforward process, where cassava flour is dried in a single chamber. This simplifies operation and maintenance.  Suitability for Small-to-Medium Scale: For lower production volumes, a one-stage cassava powder dryer can be a cost-effective solution. It may not require the same level of capital investment as a two-stage system.  Drying Quality: Depending on the design and efficiency of the unit, a one-stage cassava flour dryer can still produce high-quality dried cassava powder, but may not achieve the same level of uniformity or moisture content cont...

What factors should be considered when establishing a cassava processing plant?

  Cassava is one of the three major tuber crops and is the food of nearly 600 million people around the world. Cassava plays an important role in food industry, medicine industry, paper industry, chemical industry, etc. The wide application of cassava corresponds to the strong demand, cassava processing has great potential. Therefore, many people want to establish a cassava processing plant, but may have doubts: What factors should be considered when establishing a cassava processing plant ? The following article will explain it to you in details. If you want to establish a cassava processing plant,you mainly needs to find raw material source, assure the scale of production,acquire plant land,purchase cassava processing equipment,apply for business certificates and hire workers. ①Find raw material source The first factor you need to consider is whether you have enough cassava raw material source for processing,and if you don’t,you may need to order cassava from ...

How to run cassava flour processing business in Africa?

  As a professional cassava flour processing equipment manufacturer and supplier, Henan Jinrui Company had helped many customers install the cassava flour processing plant project in Africa, like Nigeria, Zambia, Ghana, Tanzania,etc. Here we are glad to share you the steps and precautions about how to run cassava flour production business in Africa. 1.Determine the budget and the scale of production Wherever the business you start, the clearly investment budget is directly related to the benefit and the risk of your new business.And you'd better to determine processing scale further because the processing scale will influence the volume of cassava raw material and the choice of cassava flour processing equipment. Henan Jinrui Company had helped many sustomers installed many projects, like the 3t/h,6t/h cassava flour processing capacity lines. Our products manager can offer suggestions for you according to your processing capacity ne...

How to separate fiber and protein from starch?

水力旋流器是必不可少的 淀粉加工生产线中的分离分级设备。 最终可生产出纯度为23的纯淀粉浆 波美度,使接下来的脱水过程更加高效。 In the starch production process. It is an ingenious device that harnesses the principles of centrifugal force to meticulously separate and classify starch from a myriad of other substances within a slurry mixture. This sophisticated piece of equipment operates on the fundamental concept of sedimentation, capitalizing on the varying specific gravities of starch granules and other materials to effectuate a clean separation. The hydrocyclone unit structure and principle The hydrocyclone unit is composed of 6 to 18 units connected in series. The number of hydrocyclones can be designed according to the customer's requirements. At the heart of this hydrocyclone unit is a cylindrical-conical vessel, ingeniously designed to facilitate the separation process. The slurry, a mixture of starch and various impurities, is introduced into the hydrocyclone through a tangential inlet located at the top of the unit. A...

Ventes exceptionnelles de novembre sur les machines de transformation du manioc : les plus grosses remises de Henan Jinrui !

Chez Henan Jinrui, nous apprécions grandement la confiance et la reconnaissance de nos clients estimés du monde entier. En guise de remerciement pour votre soutien continu, nous sommes ravis d'annoncer une vente spéciale de novembre sur nos machines de transformation du manioc. Cette offre à durée limitée se déroule du 1er au 30 novembre et constitue une opportunité incroyable pour les entreprises qui cherchent à investir dans des équipements de transformation du manioc de qualité supérieure à des prix imbattables. Que vous cherchiez à démarrer ou à moderniser une entreprise de transformation du manioc, c'est le moment idéal pour passer à l'action ! Remises imbattables sur les machines de transformation du manioc Notre vente de novembre est une opportunité en or pour toute personne impliquée dans l'industrie du manioc. Nous proposons des remises exclusives sur une large gamme de machines de transformation du manioc, y compris des lignes de production et des machines ind...

Local price of cassava milling machines in Ghana: how much?

 In Ghana, cassava flour or kokonte flour is one of staple food for local people. With its broad market and high profit, many people wanna venture into this cassava milling field. While for this group of people, the investment cost of cassava milling machines is the first factor that they often consider. Next we will discuss the local price of different cassava milling machines in Ghana, catering to beginners looking to enter this field. In Ghana, the local price of single cassava milling machine is from 1000USD to 10,000USD depending on its capacity. This single cassava milling machine is often used for the cassava flour production by traditional way, that means the whole cassava processing including the peeling, cutting and drying sections are totally made by hand, only the milling section is carried out by the cassava milling machine. This processing is extremely laborious and lowly efficient. But if you wanna carry out a small scale cassava products’ production at...

How to make tapioca starch in Thailand?

 Tapioca starch, a staple in Thai cuisine and a key ingredient in many traditional dishes, is derived from the cassava plant, which thrives in Thailand's tropical climate. The process of making tapioca starch in Thailand is a time-honored tradition that has been passed down through generations. While with the development of technology, modern tapioca starch machinery are widely used to process high quality tapioca starch. Now let's delve into the steps to make standard tapioca starch in Thailand. How to make tapioca starch in Thailand? In Thailand, the journey of making tapioca starch begins with the careful cleaning and washing of cassava roots. These tuberous roots are meticulously dug up from the earth and then cleanded and washed thoroughly by cassava cleaning machinery (dry sieve and paddle washer) to remove any dirt and debris, setting the stage for the intricate transformation process. Once cleaned, the cassava roots undergo the meticulous process of gratin...