Purchase deal finalized between Nigerian Client and Henan Jinrui on cassava peeler and grater


On December 5, 2024, Henan Jinrui successfully finalized a significant purchase deal with a client from Nigeria, who acquired both a cassava peeler and grater for garri production.

The cassava peeler and grater are essential pieces of equipment in cassava processing, allowing for the efficient removal of the cassava skin and the subsequent grating of the root. These processes are crucial for producing cassava flour, chips, starch, and other value-added products.

cassava gratercassava grater

For the Nigerian client, the purchase of these machines will significantly enhance their garri processing capacity, streamline production, and improve the quality of their final products. With them, the client aims to reduce labor costs, increase productivity, and meet the growing demand for cassava-based products in both local and international markets.

cassava peelercassava peeler

This successful purchase further strengthens the business ties between Nigerian client and Henan Jinrui, particularly in garri processing sectors. With a focus on innovation and customer satisfaction, the company remains committed to providing cutting-edge solutions to businesses worldwide. No matter you want to process garri, cassava flour, cassava starch, or cassava chips, just chat with us!

WhatsApp/Phone:+86 135 2661 5783


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