What is the price of cassava flour processing machine in Cote d'Ivoire?


Cassava processing is more and more popular now, also in Cote d'Ivoire. Then how much should I invest in cassava flour processing machines in Cote d'Ivoire? Now we will introduce it.

Cassava flour processing usually includes washing, peeling, grinding, dewatering, drying, sieving, and packaging. The Cassava flour processing machine's price is related to capacity and what type of machine you choose.

complete cassava flour processing machineComplete cassava flour processing machine

Usually, for a complete cassava flour processing machine, we can do from 2-40 tons of cassava input per hour, the price for a complete cassava flour processing machine is cost from $190,000-$1,700,000. The complete cassava flour processing machine not only includes all machines, but also includes some ancillary equipment, like boilers, electric control systems, and cables. This is fully automatic and suitable for the commercial production plant.

1.jpgSemi-automatic cassava flour processing machine

And we also have semi-automatic cassava flour processing machine, you can choose machines according to your requirement, machines include a peeler, grater, hydraulic press, flash dryer, fine mill machine, and vibration sieve. Single machine price from $2000-$30,000. Small capacity, semi-automatic cassava flour processing machine is popular with cassava processing business investors. And you can purchase single one or two machines that can process cassava flour, and with part manual operating.

No matter if you want to do which type of cassava flour processing project, welcome to consult Hennan Jinrui, we will give you professional suggestions.

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