
Showing posts from September, 2024

Brochure sur les équipements de broyage du manioc

Il existe différents équipements de broyage du manioc, chacun avec des avantages distincts. Ci-dessous, nous présentons une brochure mettant en évidence les trois options les plus populaires sur le marché. Ce guide vous aidera à évaluer ces machines en fonction de leurs caractéristiques et de leurs avantages, vous permettant de sélectionner celle qui convient le mieux à vos besoins spécifiques de traitement du manioc. Équipement de broyage du manioc - râpe La râpe à manioc est un outil essentiel dans le traitement du manioc, en particulier pour les applications où une taille de particule plus grossière est acceptable. Elle excelle dans le broyage des tubercules de manioc frais, produisant une purée avec des particules relativement plus grosses. Ce type de râpe est idéal pour les processus qui ne nécessitent pas de manioc finement moulu. La râpe à manioc comporte plusieurs composants clés : Rouleau à cliquet : une partie principale du système de râpage qui facilite la décomposition init

Petite usine de transformation du gari

Les petites usines de transformation du gari sont très populaires en Afrique de l'Ouest, en particulier au Nigéria et au Ghana. Il existe de nombreuses petites usines de transformation du gari qui fonctionnent à la fois manuellement et à la machine. Pour les petites usines de transformation du gari, les gens n'ont généralement pas assez de fonds pour une transformation entièrement industrielle du gari. Ils ont donc de nombreuses ouvrières pour laver et éplucher le manioc toute la journée dans un petit atelier. Normalement, un ouvrier peut éplucher environ 1 tonne de manioc frais par jour. Si le transformateur veut produire 1 tonne ou 2 tonnes de gari, il doit embaucher environ 10 ouvriers pour effectuer le travail d'épluchage. Après le travail manuel de lavage et d'épluchage du manioc, ils choisiront ensuite des machines de transformation du gari pour effectuer les étapes restantes. Il comprend une râpe à manioc, une déshydrateuse de manioc et une friteuse à gari. 1. Ut

Whole set Attieke Machine For Production Efficiency

  Attieke is produced from fresh cassava roots and it’s the main food in some West African countries, especially in the Ivory Coast. Very long ago, people used the traditional way to produce attieke, which is a very low working efficiency. The article will introduce a whole set attieke machine for improving production efficiency. Whole set cassava machine How to make attieke? Attiekie is made from fresh cassava roots by washing, peeling, grinding, dehydrating, crushing, pelletizing, and steaming. 1. Wash cassava roots freshly harvested from the farm. 2. Remove the first and second layers of skin from the cassava root. 3. Grind the peeled cassava into cassava paste. 4. Ferment the cassava paste in a bag. 5. Squeeze out the water to dehydrate the cassava paste. 6. Grind the cassava cake into powder to make pellets. 7. Steam the tapioca granules and finally make attieke. Introduction of whole set attieke machine Henan Jinrui Company is a professional manufac

How to process cassava flour by dry method?

  Processing cassava flour by dry method is a traditional approach that involves several key steps. This method contrasts with wet processing and has its own set of advantages and disadvantages. Now we will introduce how to process cassava flour by dry method to you. Dry Processing Method 1. Peeling The dry processing of cassava flour begins with the preparation of the cassava roots. The cassava is first peeled to remove the outer skin, which is typically tough and inedible. A cassava peeler is often used to assist cassava peeling process. 2. Slicing Once peeled, the cassava roots are cut into thick slices by a cassava slicer. This cutting is important as it ensures that the slices dry evenly and efficiently. Henan Jinrui's cassava slicer can control the thickness of final cassava chips, whose range vary from 5cm to 8cm. cassava slicing machine 2. Drying After slicing, the next step is drying. In the dry processing method, the cassava slices a

The process after the cassava flour machine arrives at the factory

  The process after the cassava flour machine arrives at the factory can be divided into four sections: the installation of equipment, the welding of the pipe network, the water test, and the trial run. Next, we will introduce the whole process in detail. The first process after the cassava flour machine arrives at the factory is the installation of equipment. This process requires the full involvement of an engineer to start laying out the equipment according to the layout, electrical diagram and pipe network diagram, which needs to be done in strict accordance with the drawings to exclude problems during the installation process that could lead to damage to the machine. Then the next process after the cassava flour machine arrives at the factory is the welding of the pipe network. It is also a top priority in the installation process, which will take one to two months to finish depending on the output and the amount of equipment. After the

Fufu flour proction line equipment and process introduction

  Fufu is a traditional food in many countries. The development of technology revolutionizes the method to prepare fufu flour, which extremely save labor cost as well as improve the fufu quality. For beginners would like to invest in this business with good prospects, learning about the fufu preparation with automatic fufu processing facility will give them reference on the project investment and factory establishment. Now we will introduce the fufu preparation with automatic fufu processing facility to you. Fufu preparation with automatic fufu processing facility can be roughly divided into three parts: the cleaning, processing and drying parts. The cleaning part in fufu preparation with automatic processing facility: Work flow in the cleaning part for fufu preparation: Fresh cassava is fed through a dry sieve to remove weeds and other foreign matter and then sent to a paddle washer to wash off the sediment and accompanying stones. After that,

Kokonte flour processing in Ghana

在加纳,kokonte 是一种流行且主要的 许多家庭的食物。那么如何制作kokonte面粉,我们这里会 介绍一下kokonte面粉的两种生产方式:传统方式 和机械方式。 加纳制作kokonte面粉的传统方法和机械方法 加纳制作 kokonte 面粉的传统方法 在 加纳,制作 kokonte 面粉的传统方法是加工 木薯完全手工制作。这种方式主要包括六个部分:洗涤、 去皮、浸泡、干燥、磨粉。加纳人会洗澡 首先将生木薯块茎去皮。然后将洗净的木薯块茎 将浸泡数小时以保持味道。浸泡部分完成后 完成后,木薯块茎将被干燥并磨碎。然后是决赛 生产 kokonte 面粉。 加纳用机械方法制作 kokonte 面粉 比较的 与制作kokonte面粉的传统方法相比,机械方法是 因其高效率、高性价比而更受加纳人民欢迎 质量。一般来说,kokonte面粉的加工过程可以分为 分为清洗、加工、干燥三部分。 Kokonte 机械面粉生产线 在 制作 kokonte 面粉的清洁部分、干筛、桨 将使用洗衣机和木薯削皮机。这里的第一个是 用于去除附着在植物上的杂草、泥土、树叶等杂质 木薯块茎,第二个是将木薯彻底清洗干净, 木薯脱皮机用于将两层木薯块茎脱皮 一方面有毒,另一方面会影响 kokonte 面粉的味道源于其丰富的纤维含量。 这 加工部分是制作kokonte面粉最重要的部分。 这部分需要配置几台机器: 机、锉刀和压滤机。切割机和锉刀 将有助于将清洁和去皮的木薯研磨成浆。后 研磨后,通常使用罐进行发酵以保持味道。 然后发酵的木薯浆将被泵入压滤机 用于脱水。 内部的热气流作用下进行干燥 在干燥部分,脱水后的kokonte面粉将在闪蒸干燥机 。 金瑞科康特面粉烘干机采用负压原理 以提高干燥效果。然后将干的kokonte面粉 进一步经过筛子筛分,确保最终的质量 产品。之后,可以使用包装机来帮助包装 销售。 项目案例 我们在加纳有很多关于制作kokonte面粉的  ,如果您想参与kokonte面粉制作业务,请联系我们!  Tel/Whatsapp: +86-13526615783 Website: Email: Address:

Cassava flour manufacturing plant

木薯粉是深受人们喜爱的主食 西非因其营养价值高、易消化, 和负担能力。庞大的消费市场提供了高经济效益 价值。那么如何开一家木薯粉生产厂呢?有 您需要考虑的几个因素。 木薯粉生产线 进行市场研究 这 开设木薯粉制造厂的第一步是进行 市场研究。您需要了解木薯粉的需求 您的目标市场,包括本地和国际买家。这将 帮助您估计潜在的市场规模、竞争情况和 定价。 制定商业计划 后 进行市场调查,下一步是开设木薯粉 制造工厂要制定一份详细的业务计划,概述 您的生产流程、供应链、财务预测、营销 战略以及运营的其他重要要素。对于木薯 面粉生意,保证稳定的原料来源至关重要 在开设木薯粉制造厂之前提供木薯供应。 更重要的是,你还需要调查当地的市场规模, 供电、供水等,确定规模和费用 的操作。调查当地的价格也很重要 木薯粉来估计大概的利润率。如果利润 保证金合适的话,可以考虑开木薯粉 制造工厂。 确保初始资本 开幕 木薯粉制造厂需要大量 首都。所以在开始这项事业之前,你需要资金来购买 加工设备、雇用和培训员工、支付水电费、建造 工厂,并支付其他运营成本。 选择地点 植物 选址是开店时需要考虑的重要因素 木薯粉制造厂。木薯的最佳加工时间 5小时到48小时不等,木薯的腐烂速度为 两天后加速。因此,最好建立 木薯粉厂建在靠近木薯产地的地方,所以 以减少原材料的损坏。此外,您还需要考虑 最终的水、电、运输成本 产品。该地点还应有足够的生产空间 设施和储存。 开设木薯粉制造厂的因素 购买设备 加工 设备是木薯粉加工的关键组成部分 制造工厂。木薯粉加工生产线由清洗、 加工、干燥。以及清洁工段使用的机器 包括干筛和桨式清洗机。在加工部分,木薯 配置削皮​​机、木薯锉刀、木薯压滤机。 是 闪蒸干燥机 干燥木薯粉的必备设备。 雇用和培训员工 招募 并培训熟练的劳动力来操作木薯粉加工 机器并管理木薯粉生产过程。 建立质量标准 建立 木薯粉产品的质量标准至关重要 满足客户的期望。您需要选择正确的品种 木薯,控制加工温度,严格执行 质量控制措施,确保产品质量稳定。 获得所需的执照和许可证 前 开设木薯粉制造厂,您需要获得所有 相关监管机构要求的必要执照和许可证 您所在地区的机构。这包括商业登记、 环境许可证、食品安全许可

How long will it pay back to buy a set of sweet potato starch processing machine?

  For a long time, starch has been in great demand in the market due to its various use in food and industrial fields. Especially in recent years, many countries have to import starch from other countries, thus arousing many people's interest in processed starch, such as potato starch, tapioca starch, sweet potato starch. Among them, sweet potato starch production is a easy to start and promising. For those who want to invest in the sweet potato starch processing business, whether and how much money can be earned is undoubtedly the most concerned issue. This article will answer the question for you: How long will it pay back to buy a set of sweet potato starch processing equipment? Generally, paying back machine cost needs take into account the following factors: raw material buying costs, factory operating costs and the price of the final sold starch. From this we can calculate how much profit we can make from sweet potato starch processin

How to make fufu in Nigeria?

  FUFU is a staple food in many countries(including Nigeria)and there is a large market to be developed. But there is a difference between the processing of fufu in small scale and large-scale industrial production. If you want to make fufu by hand, you just need to wash, peel, cut, ferment, dehydrate, and then dry the cassava in the sun. It is suitable for homemade and mini fufu factories. If you want to make fufu for sale, maybe you need to invest in industrial fufu production. There are three main sections: the cleaning section, the processing section, and the drying section. Fufu washing machines Fufu Washing section Fresh cassava is fed through a dry sieve to remove weeds and other foreign matter. Then sent to a paddle washer to wash off the sediment and stones. After that, the clean cassava is sent to the peeling machine to remove the inner and outer skins. This is the end of the cleaning section. Fufu processing machines Fufu Processing sect

How to make cassava flour for bread?

  In Africa, more and more people decide to substitute the wheat flour with cassava flour to make bread. For one thing, the wheat flour is mainly depended on the importation, while the import price is higher than cassava flour, for another, cassava is a main crop in Africa and the cost for processing cassava flour is relatively lower than wheat flour. Then how to make high quality cassava flour for bread? In the market, there are two methods making cassava flour for bread. One is the dry method, milling cassava tubers to powder, the other is the wet method, processing fresh cassava tubers to flour. In order to get high quality cassava flour, most people prefer to choose the latter to produce standard cassava flour with high capacity to make bread. the steps to make cassava flour The steps to make cassava flour for bread by the wet method are as follows: Step 1: Selecting and cleaning the Cassava Roots To make high quality cassava flour for bread, you firstly should select

Locally fabricated garri processing machines for cassava making in Nigeria VS. Modern garri processing machine

  Garri is a staple food in Nigeria. With the rapid development of the science and the continuous innovation of the technology, the way of garri processing gradually abolishtraditionalman-madeway and shift to the mechanized garri production in Nigeria. But the degreeofmechanization, design and principle of garri processing machine in different areas. Just like locally fabricated garri processing machines in Nigeria and the modern garri processing machine designed by DOING company. They differ in many ways. Although there are big differences, the function of garri processing machine is basically the same. Both locally fabricated garri processing machines in Nigeria and the modern garri processing machine designed by DOING company includes the following process: Cassava peeling and washing - Cassava grinding - Fermentation - Press dewating - Garri frying - Sieving and packing. Here's the pictures of locally fabricated garri processing

Where can I buy high quality garri processing machine?

 There are many kinds of garri processing machine on the market, but the quality varies. If you want to buy high quality garri processing machine to ensure the economic benefits of garri processing plant, then Henan Jinrui Food Engineering Co.,Ltd is the best choice for you. Here are the reasons why Henan Jinrui is your best choice! 1.About garri processing machine Henan Jinrui Food Engineering Co.,Ltd is a professional garri processing machine manufacturer and direct supply who has been engaged in cassava processing for 10+ years. Each garri processing machine is carefully designed in combination with the latest garri processing technology, and is put into production after many trials to ensure the interests of customers. Therefore, our garri processing machine is widely praised by customers for its stable operation, long service life and high work efficiency. Besides that, all parts of garri processing machine directly in contact with garri materials are made of

Is there a machine that can clean cassava quickly and cleanly?

 Cassava as main staple in Africa which can process to various final products like garri, cassava flour, cassava starch.However, no matter what kind of cassava processing process, the first thing you need to do is to clean the cassava. Normally speaking, the traditional cleaning method for cassava is hand cleaning. Obviously, the efficiency of this method is very low. Thus, many cassava processing business investors are wondering if there is a way to clean up cassava quickly and cleanly. As a professional cassava processing machine manufacturer and supplier, HENAN JINRUI clearly tells you that there is such a device, it is a paddle cleaning machine. Cassava paddle washing machine In cleaning part, the paddle washing machine designs paddle washing and unique countercurrent washing principle which can achieve good efficiency. It means when paddle washing machine working, we need open the inlet bottom valve. At the same time, we need to inject water and the water will f